
Treatment to your infertility is not a herculean task - Dr Rita Bakshi

Treatment to your infertility is not a herculean task

Couples who are battling with infertility had to face with many struggles. Infertility is indeed a serious matter of concern for them. However, thanks to assisted reproductive technologies by which thousands of couples have been able to conceive. We fully understand infertility is a complex problem and this is why we have experienced staff, supported …

Treatment to your infertility is not a herculean task Read More »

Hysteroscopy Treatment

Gestational Surrogacy – Realize your parenthood dreams

Infertility is frustrating for couples who are unable to conceive for more than a year despite having unprotected vaginal intercourse. According to the World Health Organization’s estimates about 8-10 per cent of couples experience some form of infertility. On a worldwide scale, this means that 50-80 million people suffer from infertility. That’s why more and …

Gestational Surrogacy – Realize your parenthood dreams Read More »

Failed IVF Cycle - Dr Rita Bakshi

How unexplained infertility sometimes help in IVF Treatment

  How unexplained infertility sometimes help in IVF Treatment You may know the fact that for a normal couple, who do not face any issues with getting pregnant, has just only 20 percent chance of achieving pregnancy. In other words, it means 80 percent of the time; even fertile couples fail to achieve pregnancy in …

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