IVF Cost in Delhi

We Serve You Better: Fertility Centre and IVF Cost

Infertility can cause emotional as well as financial troubles for the infertile couple. Desire for a complete family can cost heck of a fortune. But no amount of money can be compared with the happiness and joy that is brought by the child’s birth and his/her presence in the couple’s life. In-vitro fertilization (IVF) in India costs 1/4th of the amount required in U.S. Risaa IVF in Delhi, India is known to be the best provider of cost-effective IVF treatment in the world.

Why chose Dr. Rita Bakshi for IVF treatment?


Dr. Rita Bakshi, founder of Risaa IVF aims at providing in vitro fertilization (IVF) treatment at very reasonable costs so that infertile couples with moderate incomes could afford it. Considering the increased demand of IVF in India, it is now possible to deliver the IVF treatment at affordable price mainly to the urban and semi-urban population in the country.

Why chose Risaa IVF?


Risaa IVF main objective is to provide best quality services to its patients and retrieve positive outcomes at much affordable price so that it is within the reach of a common man. Success rate of Risaa IVF for IVF treatment is the highest in Delhi and has emerged as the No. 1 fertility centre in Delhi.


What does the IVF cost in Delhi for self- cycle includes?


  • Female’s stimulation Injection and medications.
  • Follicular monitoring / consultations.
  • Egg retrieval fees (clinic, doctors and surgeons).
  • Female’s post-operative care.
  • Sperm washing and analysis.
  • Blastocyst culture.
  • ICSI
  • Freezing of embryo and semen for 1 year.
  • Providing guidance whenever required.


For IVF treatment in Delhi with donor egg or donor sperm, extra charges for the donor is included. Risaa IVF also helps you in finding the best donor egg or sperm for the successful procedure and fulfilling your demand.


Get world class Infertility Treatment at the most affordable prices with high Success Rates. Consult Us now by submitting your queries in the section mentioned below or write us at [email protected]
