Sexual Compatibility

ICSI Treatment can Increase the Possibility of Pregnancy?

What is ICSI


Due to the wonders of science, now, infertile couple can attain fertility by a process of ICSI. This is helpful for the treatment of male factor infertility. It involves the application of exclusive tools and equipment. The sperm is injected into the mature egg and fertilization occurs.


Why ICSI at Dr. Rita Bakshi clinic


The reason for implementing Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection as it increases the possibility of successful pregnancy with IVF. Success rates of ICSI treatment are remarkably higher than the In vitro fertilization. The childless couples mostly opt for ICSI nowadays.


Medical conditions for ICSI?


  • If the earlier IVF cycle has failed.
  • If the number of sperm in male is very low during ejaculation known as oligospermia.
  • If sperm motility is poor.
  • If the sperm shape is not suitable.
  • Presence of antisperm antibodies.
  • Frozen sperm available only, with low sperm count and its motility.


Steps of ICSI Procedure at Dr. Rita Bakshi clinic


  • Firstly, sperm sample is collected.
  • Eggs are collected from the ovaries.
  • The Sperm is injected directly into a mature egg.
  • After this process, the fertilized egg is allowed for further growth and development.
  • Developed embryo will be implanted in a uterus and allowed for further growth.


Benefits of ICSI


  • Rate of fertilization is high with ICSI treatment.
  • Exclusive treatment for male factor infertility.
  • Increases the possibility of fertilization success rates among patients with poor IVF results in the past.


Medical Tests at Dr. Rita Bakshi clinic


Before the procedure of ICSI treatment, ultrasound and blood tests are done of the patients.


If you have any query related to this, Please let us know by submitting your queries in the section mentioned below or write us at [email protected]
