Traveling During Pregnancy

Can I Travel During Pregnancy? Know Tips for safe travel

Travelling during pregnancy depends on various factors and can be subjective. However, if you follow certain preparations, you do not have to sit at home. Below are a few tips that will help you have a safe travel during your pregnancy days but first, let us read about whether travel during pregnancy is safe or not and when is the best time to travel.


Is Traveling During Pregnancy safe?


If you have not been diagnosed with any pregnancy complications such as placenta previa or low lying placenta or any other condition, you can go ahead with your plan. Women who underwent IVF treatment should be extra careful while traveling. Also, discuss with your doctor before planning any future trip and get your prenatal checkups rescheduled accordingly so that you don’t skip any.


Best time to travel During Pregnancy?


Ideal time to travel during your pregnancy phase is the second trimester (weeks 14-27) since you don’t feel morning sickness anymore, you will feel less tired and have better sleep and you will not have difficulty in moving around that are usually felt as the due date comes closer. Also, the chances of having a miscarriage are lower.


Tips for traveling by car During Pregnancy


  • Seatbelt Safety: The first thing you step in the car is to wear the seat belt and run it between your breasts and not over your abdomen area.
  • Frequent Breaks: Take short breaks or walks in every 2-3 hours. This will ensure proper blood circulation in your legs.
  • Emergency Preparedness: Keep your doctor’s phone number handy in case of any emergency.
  • Comfort: Place a pillow or cushion at your back to avoid back ache also Wear comfortable and breathable clothing.
  • Snacks and Fruits: It is best to avoid eating roadside foods and Carry fresh fruits or healthy snack for the journey.


Tips for safe travel by air During Pregnancy


  • Seatbelt Safety: Put on your seat belt and run it through your chest and not the abdomen.
  • Seat Selection: Take the aisle seat to make it easier for you to walk around.
  • Stretching: Walk a little in every 2 hours for better blood circulation in legs.
  • Medications: Carry medications prescribed by your doctor to ease morning sickness.
  • Comfortable Clothing: Wear loose and breathable maternity clothing for extra comfort.
  • Stretch: Stretch your body, especially legs as and when in short intervals.


Tips for safe travel by train During Pregnancy


  • Sit in the direction of travel.
  • For long journeys, take a low-berth.
  • Try booking fast moving trains and lesser stops.
  • Do not lift heavy luggage yourself. Seek help from your closed ones to lift the luggage.
  • Make it a point to stretch your legs, rotate your ankles and relax your toes in every few hours.
  • Wear loose, cotton clothing while traveling and if you are traveling in an air-conditioned train then cover yourself with a shawl to keep you warm.
  • While using the toilet, keep a proper balance and preferably, use a squat toilet for hygiene.
  • Avoid last minute rush. Wait for the time when you can easily exit the train.


Final Thoughts


The first thing you should plan before you travel is your eating routine. Drink plenty of water and only packaged water, if traveling by train or air. If you are traveling by car for a short duration, you can carry water bottles from home itself. In addition, talk to your doctor as she is aware of your medical history and will give the best advice that will suit your needs and make your trip hassle-free and more enjoyable.


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