Tips For a successful implantation after IVF Treatment

Tips for a successful implantation after IVF Treatment

Important tips for having a successful implantation after an IVF treatment


You might be wondering how to improve your chances of having a successful implantation in an IVF treatment.


Here are tips that may be of great help.


1. Take a break


Relax at home. Watch your favorite TV shows and if possible, meditate to keep stress away. There is nothing to worry about.


2. Opt for two blastocysts


Blastocysts undoubtedly yield higher implantation rates rather than young embryos. If your embryos result in good-quality blastocysts, things might turn your way. In this case, transferring a hatching or expanding blastocyst, implantation becomes more likely. However, the way your embryos develop is not in your control.


3. A good endometrial lining is a must


Implantation is an unlikely affair if you have a poor endometrial lining. Therefore, you should keep a regular track on your endometrial lining. Endometrial thickness of 8mm is most optimal. If you are undergoing IVF with egg donor treatment, you will be on estrogen supplements. You should examine your endometrial thickness 4 days prior to your progesterone cycle since it allows you to increase your estrogen intake if required. Also, avoid estrogen patches, pills are much better.


4. Implantation foods for better chances?


You may have come across tips saying improve your implantation chances by eating pineapple, bananas, tofu, drinking green tea or dried raspberry leaves and other so-called implantation boosting foods. If your uterus needed foods to enhance your implantation potential, your doctors would have surely prescribed them. Hence, do not fixate on foods which may cause more harm than good.


Instead, have a well-balanced and healthy diet at least 3-4 months before your implantation procedure. Refrain from processed foods, limit your sugar, eat good carbohydrates. In addition, add fish in your meal twice a week, eat adequate proteins and pulses, take multivitamins daily along with folic acid.


5. Your uterus loves progesterones


Progesterone makes your uterine lining super receptive since it produces an ideal environment for implantation. Soon after the egg retrieval day, they prepare your endometrium to implant your embryos in style.


6. Regular screening of your embryos


You can undergo PGD to rule out chromosomal problems and specific medical conditions if any. In short, it helps identify any genetic abnormalities before it’s too late. Hence, PGD is a preferrable option before embryo implantation during your IVF treatment.


7. Bleeding may be a good news


You should look out for light spotting – a pink or brown discharge soon after your embryo transfer day. If it comes along with mild cramping then things are surely turning as desired. No matter what happens, continue your course of medications and do a pregnancy test as and when required.


8. Endometrial scratch is best


Endometrial scratches are gaining sudden popularity nowadays where a surgical scratch of your uterine lining may mature your uterus for implantation. In case of hysteroscopy, endometrial scratching can be conducted at the same time ensuring the time is right.


If you have any query related to this, Please let us know by submitting your queries in the section mentioned below or write us at [email protected]
