Parenthood with Dr. Rita Bakshi

10 factors that can affect your sperm quality - Dr Rita Bakshi

Achieve Parenthood with Dr. Rita Bakshi’s Best Surrogacy Services

Infertility is increasingly troubling couples around the world and spoiling their dreams of parenting. While medical science found ways to overcome infertility problem through IVF, another problem of repeated miscarriages or multiple implantation failures came along.   Now to beat this problem where a woman fails to carry the pregnancy, another assisted reproductive technique known …

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Treatment for Male Infertility

Ask Dr. Rita Bakshi

Question 1: I am 32 year-old women and trying to conceive from past eight months. My TSH level (thyroid) is low. Should I be worried? Is it going to affect my fertility? How long would it take to bring it back to the normal range ? Answer: You have not described the exact TSH level, …

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