The various IVF options

Is Laparoscopy good or bad during IVF ?

Laparoscopy, also called diagnostic laparoscopy, is a minimally-invasive surgical procedure which involves incision of a long, thin tube, with a light and camera device placed at the front of the instrument called laparoscope. It is inserted through a tiny cut into the female’s belly button to have a clear view of the woman’s reproductive and abdominal organs. It is an effective method to analyze women with infertility issues.


Why are the common indications of Laparoscopy?


Through Laparoscopy, your doctor can determine the following:


  • Appendectomies
  • Cholecystectomy (gall bladder removal)
  • Pelvic pain
  • Infertility
  • Endometriosis
  • Tubal pregnancies
  • Pelvic inflammatory disease
  • Treating damaged fallopian tubes
  • Lysis of adhesions
  • Vaginal hysterectomy
  • Removal of complete ovary or ovarian cysts
  • Evaluation and removal of pelvic lymph nodes
  • Diagnosis and treatment of uterine anomalies
  • Removal of uterine fibroid tumors


Is the laparoscopy really necessary?


It is necessary to have confirmation that the patient needs IVF before directly going for treatment. In that case, laparoscopy is important. However, in case of tubal surgery, diagnosis is not necessary during IVF as it bypasses the fallopian tubes. Hydrosalpinges may need attention for which surgery may be required.


Around 3 quarters of women who underwent an IVF treatment for treating endometriosis (up to 40%-50% of infertile women have endometriosis) before a laparoscopic surgery, had a successful conception after the surgery. It has helped majority of IVF patients to have a successful conception within 6 months after laparoscopy treatment.


Usually, most IVF couples consider laparoscopy as the last resort. They have done hormonal profile tests, semen analysis, bloods test, ultrasound scans, HSG dye test, full assessment of fallopian tubes and uterus but steer clear from laparoscopy.


What is the purpose of Laparoscopy?


It is an outpatient procedure. The patient is likely to be administered with local anesthesia. An incision is made below the belly button and a cannula is inserted to inflate the abdomen with CO2 gas. This will help your doctor to check your abdominal organs more effectively. This is followed by insertion of laparoscope (a thin small tube). A high resolution camera present at the front of laparoscope displays the organs on a screen in real time.


Closing Thoughts


A laparoscopy is an operative as well as diagnostic procedure. Tubal repairs are given less importance but if you have had a history of IVF failure, you would do everything possible to know the real cause. This is where laparoscopy can help.


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