IVF Centre in Jaipur clear doubts about IVF procedure - Dr Rita Bakshi

How to Deal With Recurrent Implantation Failure?

In-vitro fertilization treatment is only successful if the implantation of the embryo into the uterus of the woman takes place. Failure in implantation of embryo leads to failure of IVF cycle and failed pregnancy. 10% of IVF cycles result in implantation failure which is disheartening and frustrating for both doctors as well as for the patients.


What is Recurrent Implantation Failure?


If 3 consecutive IVF cycle fail inspite of using at least 4 good quality embryos in woman under the age of 40 years, it is termed as recurrent implantation failure. It becomes a challenging situation for the clinicians and embryologists. Patients who go through recurrent implantation failure experience distress and often lose hope thinking “what is wrong with them?, why is their uterus not accepting the embryo?”. Such questions also might lead to questions for the doctors like “have you not implanted or placed it right?”


The answers to these questions are hidden behind the causes of recurrent implantation failure. Failure in implantation occurs due to the following reasons:


  • Problem in endometrial lining: Thickness of endometrial lining plays a important role in implantation of embryo. Implantation cannot take place or embryo cannot survive if the endometrial lining is too thin.
  • Embryo: If the embryo or the gamete formed is not of good quality or have chromosomal defects, it does not result in successful implantation. Poor quality of oocytes also results in low quality embryo leading to failure of IVF cycle. Sometimes, the upper layer of embryo called as zona is too hard which make it difficult for embryo to implant in the uterus.
  • Hydrosalpinges: It is the situations when the fallopian tubes are filled with liquid which also causes difficult situations for successful embryo implantation.
  • Endometriosis


Treatment at Dr. Rita Bakshi’s Clinic


Dr. Rita Bakshi’s Clinic which is also known as Risaa IVF offers IVF treatment with highest success rates of 60%. For recurrent implantation failure, we perform screening for individuals and after identifying the cause of failure we start with their treatment. We conduct following treatments:


  • Sperm DNA fragmentation
  • Ovarian Reserve tests such as FSH, AMH, AFC, etc.
  • Hysteroscopy
  • MRI
  • HSG
  • Hormone profile
  • Endometrial Biopsy
  • PGD (Preimplantation Genetic Diagnosis): To find any chromosomal effects.
  • Karyotype: If there is any presence of chromosomal defects or abnormalities
  • Assisted Hatching, if the zona is too hard.


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