Genetic Tuberculosis

How does genetic tuberculosis affects female reproductive health?

10 percent of the patients with tuberculosis suffer from genital tuberculosis but now the percentage has increased to 30 percent due to ignorance in initial stages and lack of awareness about this disease.


Tuberculosis (TB) is a widespread disease causing tubal disease and female infertility in developing countries like India. Tuberculosis (TB) is a bacterium infecting your body and especially lungs. The primary infection in the lungs is called pulmonary tuberculosis.


Sometimes, the TB infection moves through the blood and causes secondary infections in the pelvic are, kidneys, spine and even brain. When it reaches the genetic tract, it results in genetic tuberculosis affecting the whole reproductive system in females.


Female genital TB is a fast-emerging health issue that affects fertility levels in women. It is one of the prime causes leading to 25-30% female infertility cases in India. The disease has also higher male fertility cases. The detection and treatment of tuberculosis is still a challenge.


Will genetic tuberculosis influence my fertility health?


Yes, TB can greatly affect your fertility. Usually, it does not show many symptoms in initial stages. At an advanced stage, the symptoms are easily felt influencing male and female fertility significantly. In case of women, genetic TB directly troubles the fallopian tubes and in case of men, it promotes inflammation of the orchitis followed by epididymytis.


Note that TB affects your infertility only if it infects the genital tract. It changes the normal functioning of the reproductive system resulting in infertility. The best way to diagnose TB is to culture the tubercle bacillus in the tissue and perform a laboratory test.


What are the common symptoms of genetic tuberculosis?


Genital Tuberculosis at early stages functions quietly. But as it advances, these are the symptoms you should watch out for:

  • Irregular menstrual cycles
  • Severe pelvic pain
  • Heavy or discolored blood-stained vaginal discharge
  • Frequent bleeding after intercourse
  • Fatigue
  • Regular cough with blood stains
  • Overnight sweating
  • Extreme weight loss


There are a few tests to confirm genetic tuberculosis like Complete blood count, Menstrual blood for culturing, Endoscopy, Laparoscopy, Hysteroscopy.


If the genetic tuberculosis is incurable and you are thinking of becoming pregnant – you can visit our Risaa IVF – a leading IVF clinic in Delhi. At Risaa IVF, we provide world-class IVF treatment and aim at determining the real cause behind your infertility so as to provide the best solutions to achieve successful pregnancy.


We at Risaa IVF promise you best IVF treatment in Delhi with the highest pregnancy success rates making your parenthood dreams come true.


Why genetic Tuberculosis affects female reproductive potential?


When we talk about women with genetic tuberculosis, their fallopian tubes are infected leading to incurable tubal obstructions. The earlier it is detected; higher are the chances to treat it successfully. If it is left untreated for long periods, the female reproductive organs like fallopian tubes, ovaries and uterus may become scarred. Scarring of these organs causes absence or irregular periods. In some cases, the menstrual cycles stop permanently damaging the uterine lining, therefore, resulting in lesser chances of conception to become pregnant.


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