10 factors that can affect your sperm quality - Dr Rita Bakshi

Understanding Sperm Health. Can Men Run Out of Sperm?

When it comes to conception, male partner’s sperm health is as important as is woman’s mature eggs. Therefore, for every successful pregnancy, the role of sperm health is significant for creating a healthy child. There are many interesting facts about sperm but often men are confused about having enough sperm for a successful conception. They are perturbed with the questions like can a man run out of sperm in their lifetime?

Factors Responsible for Sperm Health

You may know that women are born with millions of eggs and the number decreases as they age. On the other hand, men can continually make new sperm. Too much ejaculating can do is reduce your fertility for the next few days, but testicles keep on producing sperm cells until the day they die. There are certain factors that can lower your sperm count such as smoking, excessive alcohol consumption, too much heating up of the testicles, or lack of vitamins such as zinc. These conditions may limit sperm production, but still, a low amount of semen always remains there.

Fertility Decreases in Men too

It has been found that sperm production tends to decrease after the age of 40-50. Some studies on male infertility have concluded that sperm count or sperm Health gradually goes down after the age of 50. Men also do not have enough semen  to produce and often find it increasingly difficult to reach and maintain erections as they age.

Low Sperm Conditions

However, there are conditions where men have very low sperm count or absence of sperm in their semen, called azoospermia. It is a medical condition associated with low levels of fertility and affects about 1% of the male population and may be seen in up to 20% of male infertility situations.

How male reproductive system works?

The male reproductive system is constantly making new sperm. In healthy adult males, semen contains around 100 million sperm cells per milliliter. These sperm cells fertilize oocytes inside the female fallopian tubes after the male having intercourse with the female partner.

There are up to 750 million sperm cells contained in a single ejaculation, but it only takes one sperm cell to fertilize a woman’s egg. However, due to some medical conditions, they may fall short of sperm or semen like azoospermia.

Advance fertility Treatment Procedures

There has been a major advancement in recent years with the introduction of IVF with ICSI which allows successful fertilization even with immature sperm or sperm obtained directly from testicular tissue. IVF-ICSI allows for pregnancy in couples where it is possible to recover sperm material from the testes.

Pregnancies have been achieved in situations where azoospermia was associated with surgical sperm retrieval techniques such as testicular sperm extraction (TESE) or Percutaneous Epidydimal Sperm Aspiration (PESA).

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