Anovulation and Ovarian dysfunction

All you need to know about Anovulation and Ovarian dysfunction

What Is Anovulation?


Anovulation is a stage where there is less ovulation or absence of ovulation compared to those of fertile women.

Now if we talk about Ovulation, it is a phase where eggs are released from the ovaries on monthly basis. Ovulation is necessary on regular basis for pregnancy to occur. If there is irregular ovulation, then it is called oligoovulation. Ovulatory dysfunction has two kinds – anovulation and oligoovulation.

One of the typical infertility causes is ovulatory dysfunction, occurring in 40% of women.

What are the early signs of Anovulation or Ovulatory Dysfunction?

  • Women with irregular periods
  • Shorter menstrual cycles


Does Anovulation and Ovulatory Dysfunction cause Infertility?


For infertile couples, there are 25% chances of conception each month. Therefore, on the occurrence of ovulation, conception is not guaranteed.


When a woman is suffering from anovulation, she is unable to conceive as there are no eggs present in the ovary to be fertilized. A women with irregular ovulation has reduced chances to become pregnant. Also, a delayed ovulation does not produce good quality eggs fit for fertilization process.


Always remember that irregular ovulations indicate hormonal imbalances in the body. Such hormonal imbalances may lead to lesser fertile cervical mucus, thickening or thinning of the endometrium (where the fertilized egg is implanted), extremely low progesterone levels and a shorter luteal phase.


What are the main causes of Anovulation?


Anovulation and ovulatory dysfunction may occur due to various factors. The typical cause of ovulatory dysfunction is PCOS – Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome.

Other possible causes of irregular or absence ovulation are:

  • Obesity
  • Reduced body weight
  • Rigorous exercise
  • Hyperprolactinemia
  • Premature ovarian failure
  • Pre-menopause, or low ovarian reserve
  • Thyroid dysfunction
  • High stress levels


How can Anovulation be detected?


Your doctor should be well-aware about the occurrence of your menstrual cycles and if you face irregular or absent cycles, ovulatory dysfunction may be indicated.


Your doctor will track your basal body temperature for a few months. To check the basal body temperature, your blood samples are collected to check if there are any hormonal imbalances. One of these tests may also involve “day 21 progesterone blood test.”


After ovulation, progesterone levels usually rise in the body. If there is no rise in the progesterone levels do not raise, there is absence of ovulation.


Your doctor may also perform an ultrasound to examine the size and shape of uterus or ovaries, and determine if your ovaries are having PCOS symptoms.


How to treat Anovulation?


Anovulation Treatment usually depends upon the root cause of anovulation. Sometimes, lifestyle or diet changes result in anovulation. Sudden weight loss or rigorous exercise may lead to anovulation. Maintaining a healthy weight and doing adequate exercise may help in restarting ovulation. Similarly, if you are overweight, losing 10% of your present weight can affectively restart ovulation.


One of the leading fertility clinics in Delhi, offers a wide-range of IVF treatments including egg donation process to help you have a healthy baby to make your parenthood experience – a successful and worthwhile one.


What are the Fertility Drugs used to treat Anovulation?


According to doctors, the most commonly-used treatment for anovulation is the intake of fertility drugs. Clomid is the fertility drug given at initial stage as it triggers ovulation in 80% women and aids 45% of women become pregnant within 6 months of treatment.


For women with PCOS, insulin resistance medications like Metformin make it possible for ovulation to occur. It takes at least six months to know whether Metformin is successful or not.


If the cause of anovulation is POF – premature ovarian failure or low ovarian reserves, then fertility drugs are less effective. Sometimes doctors may deny using fertility drugs in case of low ovarian reserves. In this case, egg donation can be an effective option to build your family.


We at leading fertility centre strictly advise you to get a fertility test done immediately if you feel that you possess any symptoms indicating ovarian dysfunction or anovulation.


Note: A menstrual cycle where ovulation doesn’t occur is called an anovulatory cycle.


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