No need to lose hope due to Male Infertility - Dr Rita Bakshi

No need to lose hope due to Male Infertility

Sedentary lifestyles in developing nations have affected men and women both. Apart from this, the air pollution has also taken a toll on this. Excessive intake of junk foods, smoking and drinking are now in our habits and according to latest researches, 15% of men are suffering from infertility now in Delhi. Due to cumulative effects of all these factors, the hormones like testosterone and estrogen are fluctuating. Talking about male infertility is a taboo and it is becoming a menace to males in our society. If you are also struggling with this then fear no more. Risaa IVF is the one-stop destination for you.


How are we helping couples?


When distressed couples come to Risaa IVF, the first thing we do is comfort them and tell them that everything is going to be alright. Infertility is when you have been having unprotected sex for over a year and failed to conceive. Our doctors start the basic questionnaire and then pinpoint the problems. Male infertility is a sensitive topic because males have already been so mentally harassed that they don’t want to talk about it openly. Our expert team then takes up the following tests:


  • Physical Examination of Penis and scrotum.
  • Semen sample is taken to investigate the number of sperms, motility and morphology.
  • Blood tests for pathology and hormonal balance.


The techniques which help you conceive even after Infertility are IVF (in-vitro fertilization) and ICSI (intracytoplasmic sperm injection). Risaa IVF has the success rates above 45% for IVF and ICSI which is one of the highest rates. In IVF, the sperms and eggs are collected from the intended parents. They are made to fertilize in a controlled environment (e.g. Petri dish). They are kept under observation for 3-5 days and then implanted in the mother’s womb which is made ready by the admission of hormones. After 12-14 days, the tests are done to confirm the pregnancy.


ICSI is much more effective than IVF. This technique is used when the male has :


  • Very low or zero sperm count.
  • No motility is to be seen.
  • Vasectomy
  • Unexplained Infertility.


In ICSI, a very sensitive needle is used to catch the sperm in the scrotum. The same needle is used to fuse the sperm with the egg outside the body. Eggs are monitored throughout if they are getting fertilized or not. This whole procedure is done by our experts and they try their level best to make sure that you go home with good news.


How Are We Different?


Risaa IVF is located in the heart of Delhi and successfully being run in 12 locations in India and Nepal. Our highly qualified team of doctors makes sure to determine the causes of infertility one by one. Series of tests are designed to help you understand the problem and our team of embryologists is always there to make sure that you make the right decision. Under the mentorship of Dr Rita Bakshi, Risaa IVF is now a leading fertility Centre in the county. We have successfully delivered over 4000 babies through IVF and ICSI.
