Best Fertility Tests For Assured Pregnancy Success - Dr Rita Bakshi

Why women with PCOS face issues to maintain a healthy weight?

Women in their reproductive age are at a higher risk of having PCOS, which ultimately triggers the possibilities of Infertility. A few symptoms of PCOS are abnormal menstrual cycles, acne, excessive hair growth and sudden weight gain. A person may experience one or more PCOS symptoms depending upon its severity.


Mostly, PCOS is related with other health issues, which makes diagnosing PCOS a difficult job sometimes. This means that women are rarely aware that they are having PCOS till the time they don’t face issues during their pregnancy or any other problem as a result of PCOS symptoms.


PCOS is a condition of hormonal imbalance which makes it harder for the women to manage their unexpected weight gain. In the long run, it is recommended to maintain a balanced weight when suffering PCOS since obesity and depression occur in conjunction with PCOS.


So the more you ignore your weight issues, the more harm will be caused to your body that is already struggling with PCOS, The perfect moment to begin controlling your weight is right now so here is a piece of important information that will be surely helpful for you when opting of having a wholesome diet when having PCOS.


1. Eat only natural and unprocessed food


Women having PCOS should think twice before they eat. Refined foods and highly processed meals may harm your body by causing excessive weight gain as they may interfere with hormonal imbalance. Avoid eating foods with gluten, which is a big enemy of your body.


Always prefer natural products like home-cooked foods, fresh fruits and vegetables when it comes to diet.


2. Consume essential fibers


When undergoing PCOS, opt for fibers to maintain high nutrition content in your body. Fibers play a vital role in having healthy bowel movement, relief from uncontrollable hunger feelings and stabilizing sugar levels. This means fibers are suitable for having a good health and I would recommend having daily intake of around 25 grams fiber.


3. Have a low-carbohydrate diet


In case of PCOS, you are advised to reduce your carbohydrate intake. However, carbohydrates are rich sources of energy so don’t avoid them completely. You should switch to complex carbohydrates like whole-grain cereals rather than refined carbohydrates like white bread, which only trigger sugar levels in the body.


4. Say NO to unhealthy fats


Healthy fats like Omega-3 are beneficial for regulating the production of male hormones in your body. They also promote normal menstrual cycles minimizing the severity of Premenstrual syndrome and reducing body’s insulin levels as well. A healthy fat diet includes avocados, dark chocolates, nuts, fatty fish, whole eggs, cheese and much more.


5. Exercise is a must


Having a routine exercise regimen is essential during PCOS as it helps in maintaining a healthy weight by burning those extra calories. It also helps in improving insulin sensitivity. Activities like yoga and running helps you lose weight faster.


In addition, having 8 hours of sleep everyday is important and stay in constant touch with your concerned gynaecologist.


My clinic Risaa IVF, an IVF clinic in Delhi, offers quality fertility diagnosis and treatment services to all the infertile couples worldwide.


My clinic has a well-qualified team of skilled IVF experts and clinical doctors who aspire to identify the real cause behind your Infertility and provide the most appropriate IVF treatment in Delhi to help you build your family.


IVF is a complex procedure and the cost of IVF in India is low-priced.


Closing Thoughts


PCOS is a typical hormonal disorder that is majorly found in women during their reproductive age. It leads to a great change in the lives of women suffering from it. Luckily, with a proper treatment, PCOS can be treated. I would like to appeal to every woman having PCOS to follow a well-balanced diet, eat wisely, exercise daily and most importantly, stay happy!


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