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What to Choose: Self Cycle Surrogacy or Surrogacy using Donor?

Surrogacy can be carried out either with self eggs or using a donor. For surrogacy procedure, it is mandatory for either of the intended parent to be genetically linked to the baby.


Self cycle for surrogacy


During surrogacy, if both the intended are genetically linked to the baby, that is, if the embryo implanted in the surrogate’s uterus is formed using the egg and sperm of the intended parents, it is termed as self cycle surrogacy.


At Risaa IVF, varied methods of sperm collection such as ICSI, PESA/TESA, etc are used for embryo formation. After the sperm collection and egg retrieval, IVF treatment is carried out and the embryo formed is implanted in the surrogate mother.


Surrogacy with donor egg or sperm


Surrogacy can be carried out using a donor egg or donor sperm, if either of the intended parents is diagnosed with the untreatable infertility traits. After the egg retrieval from the donor or the sperm collection of the donor is done, IVF treatment is carried out and the embryo is implanted in the surrogate’s uterus for continuation of pregnancy.


Differences between Self cycle surrogacy or surrogacy with donor


  • Success rate of surrogacy using donor egg or donor sperm is comparatively higher than the success rate of surrogacy with self cycle.
  • Donor is always kept anonymous whereas, surrogate can meet the intended parents.
  • Surrogacy with donor egg or donor sperm is more expensive than surrogacy with self cycle as the extra amount is to be paid for the donor.


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