Laparoscopy - Dr Rita Bakshi

The Different types of IVF procedure| Dr Rita Bakshi

Since many types of IVF procedure treatments of in vitro fertilization exist, the main diagnosis to be done in the preliminary stages is to determine which process is the most suited to the patient’s needs. Does the patient react well to certain procedures such as stimulation of ovaries?


How quickly does the patient’s body recover from certain drugs that are used in the procedures? It is best to keep this in mind when seeking an IVF treatment in Delhi. A primary question that determines the process is the age. The human body changes drastically with age, especially in its hormonal and reproductive capacity.


Many techniques become too dangerous if the patient’s age is above a certain limit. This is also because a) the body goes through certain stages during pregnancy, b) the patient’s body may not respond adequately to the procedure and c) the patient may require many cycles of treatment to seek the right stage for embryo transfer.

These are some types of IVF procedures of the in vitro fertilization technique:

  • Fresh embryo transfer: Once the IVF procedure is completed, the fertilized eggs are cultured for 1-2 days. The patient’s age is a major factor for this procedure. It is recommended that two embryos be transferred if the patient is below 40 and up to three be transferred if the patient be above 40 years of age.


  • Fresh blastocyst embryo transfer: The difference between this and a normal IVF procedure is that the patient may have to wait 2-3 days more for embryo transfer. The doctors recommend this procedure if numerous eggs respond to the culturation process. Even though a small section opt for this, the procedure has a high chance of achieving pregnancy.


  • Frozen embryo or blastocyst transfer (FET): If the patient develops ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome through the IVF procedure, a blastocyst transfer is opted for. Since a successful embryo is not frequently used in the first cycles of the IVF treatment, the embryos may be frozen and kept for a later date when the patient has further recovered from the treatment itself. They can be transferred at a later time.


  • Assisted Hatching: The concept is simple, after fertilization the egg may need some assistance to break the walls that protect it. This is done more as a safety precaution especially for women who have had more than one failed IVF. This ensures that no further risks ensue from the transfer itself.


With abundant resources and technology and a growing awareness of types of IVF procedures treatments and the remedies they offer, more and more people are open to the idea of IVF treatments in India.

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