Surrogate Motherhood

Surrogate Motherhood and Breastfeeding of the New Born

Motherhood is the most beautiful auspicious experience of a woman’s life. Giving birth and being a mother to a child is the greatest gift bestowed upon a woman. Motherhood is the most remarkable and best relationship you could have with someone. But every woman is not blessed with this wonderful opportunity. An infertile woman faces emotional distress and feeling of being incomplete follows. One way to overcome infertility and enjoy motherhood, they practice surrogacy.


What is Surrogate Motherhood?


Surrogate motherhood is the relationship of a woman and a child of another couple. Woman carries the child in her womb for nine months and is referred to as the biological mother of the child. After the birth, child is then handed over to the intended parents or the genetic parents. A surrogate mother could also become a genetic mother if the intended mother suffers from ovarian failure, any genetic disease and has no uterus. A surrogate mother only shares a physical or the biological bond with the child.


Intended parents are always worried about breastfeeding their child after the child is been born. But thanks to the medical development, nowadays, you can still breastfeed your child without giving birth. A well known phenomenon came into existence called “induced lactation” to feed your newborn child without giving birth.


What is Induced Lactation?


Induced lactation is a process of bluffing your body and making it believe that you are pregnant. It is playing with the hormones by increasing the milk production in the body through artificial ways.


Ways to increase milk production in the body


  • By consuming birth control pills months prior to the child birth.
  • Medication prescribed by the gynecologists.
  • Herbal supplements.


When you start taking medication for increase milk production and your hormones are at rest, you have to start pumping your breast. Gradually, you should increase the frequency and duration of pumping and the process goes on until you start producing milk.


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