IUI Cycle Failure

You Should Know The Reasons Behind IUI Cycle Failure

IUI Treatment, also known as artificial insemination. It is a reproductive procedure in which sperm are inserted directly into the uterus of a woman. And this promotes conception. The procedure enhances the chances that sperm will pass through any potential barriers in the reproductive canal and enter the fallopian tubes to fertilize the egg to know the main reason behind the IUI Cycle failure you should know the main reasons as we mentioned in this article read more. 

The age of the woman, the quality of sperm utilized, and the underlying cause of infertility are some of the variables that can affect the success rates of IUI. IUI Treatment cycles typically have success rates between 10% and 20%

IUI is the most frequent fertility treatment. It doesn’t require much technical expertise, and due to this reason, the cost of IUI treatment is reasonably low. To know more about the Reasons Behind IUI Cycle Failure read the complete post.

10 Main Reasons Behind IUI Cycle Failure

  1. Age: Increasing age of a woman decreases the quality of the egg. There are 25% chance of conceiving at the age of 18, but later on, at the age of 40, it decreases drastically to 6 to 4 percent.
  2. Quality of egg: If a woman ovulates eggs with poor quality, they won’t fertilize. There is an internal defect in the low-quality eggs, as they have chromosomal problems and are unable to divide after fertilization.
  3. Endometrial Lining: Insufficient lining prevents the implantation of embryos.
  4. Progesterone Deficiency: Pregnancy cannot be maintained with insufficient progesterone levels.
  5. Sperm Quality: Immature or feeble sperm might not make it to the fallopian tubes. 
  6. Blocked fallopian tubes: A physical barrier occurs in blocked tubes, which prevents the egg and sperm from coming into contact. Blocked tubes arise due to various problems, such as
  7. Poor timing: Timing is a very critical factor in fertilization. When the egg is released from the ovary, it needs about 12 hours to fertilise. If there is a failure in fertilization, the egg disintegrates.
  8. Unable to ovulate: Without ovulation there is no egg for fertilization. And due to this, a complete failure of IUI occurs.
  9. Poor sperm quality: Even if there is an adequate sperm count and malformed, they won’t be able to have a physical ability to penetrate the egg and fertilize.
  10. Unexplained Infertility: When, after extensive testing, no discernible explanation for infertility is found, go for options Like iui treatment.

Symptoms of Failed IUI

  1. Menstruation: Regular cycles suggest that a woman is not pregnant. 
  2. Negative Pregnancy Test: Home or blood testing shows no signs of pregnancy. 
  3. Absence of Pregnancy Symptoms: Ignoring early indicators such as exhaustion, nausea, breast tenderness, and increased sensitivity to smells. 
  4. Unaltered Basal Body Temperature (BBT): Following IUI, there was no persistent rise.
  5. Consistent Cervical Mucus: Early pregnancy is characterized by the absence of mucus changes. 
  6. No Mood Swings: While mood swings can indicate an early pregnancy, their absence could indicate that the IUI was ineffective.
  7. Not Urging More: During the first trimester of pregnancy, it’s typical to urinate more regularly. If you’re not, the IUI might not have been successful. 

Why Doctor suggest IUI?

IUI Treatment is frequently advised for couples dealing with reproductive issues, such as:

  1. Unexplained Infertility: When, after extensive testing, no discernible explanation for infertility is found, go for options Like iui treatment. 
  2. Male Factor Infertility: When there is an inadequate sperm count. Also inadequate motility, or morphology.
  3. Cervical Problems: Disorders such as irregular cervical mucus. That prevents sperm from getting to the egg.
  4. Endometriosis: In cases of mild to severe endometriosis. Treatment options are not as intrusive and fertility is affected.
  5.   Donor Sperm: Individuals or couples who try to get pregnant using donor sperm.

It is important to understand that although IUI may be less expensive than IVF, it is still an expensive procedure, with costs rising with each attempt and the possibility of infertility. Also, in comparison to other assisted reproductive methods, the success rate of pregnant symptoms following an unsuccessful IUI procedure is minimal.

How Many IUI Cycle one should try

One should move on to IVF treatment after three IUI failed cycles.

  • If the age of the female is 40 or more
  • If the ovarian reserve is low

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