Infertility Stress

Are you coping with infertility stress?

Both men and women deal with infertility differently. Some couples may experience the infertility stress in a similar way. Women are usually considered as the “emotional guards” in a relation. They feel responsible for all the mishappenings and they try to suppress their emotions, which becomes ominous until they go out of control.


Men are traditionally seen as the “financial source” in a relationship and are responsible for safeguarding their family from dangers. Men are conditioned to subdue their emotions and this is why, they have difficulty in expressing their emotions. Hence, men take decisions without being emotionally sidetracked.


In case of infertile couple, woman undergoes an emotional turmoil such as intense feelings of pain, anger, and tension etc. which may draw her closer to depression. She might yearn for emotional communication at one moment and in the very next moment; she would withdraw herself emotionally from her husband to avoid clashes. In this case, men find themselves helpless to improve their situation.


Many couples visit my clinic that are struck by infertility and almost suffering from depression. They sometimes do not admit the issues in their marriage. Luckily, there are some effective ways that can help balance their thinking while they cope up with failures during their parenthood journey as follows:


  • Communicate openly and more often with each other.
  • There is no right or wrong way to feel. Connect with your emotions that will help you know what you really need. Once your needs are clear in your mind, you will be able to share with your partner more clearly about them.
  • Understand and try to find solutions of the different emotional and psychological differences between yourself and your partner.
  • Try to keep the relationship stronger than ever by spending quality time with each other, sharing joys and sorrows together during your infertility journey. You can also consult a psychologist or a pre-conception counselor for better infertility stress management.
  • Reconnect with your family and friends and focus on something that makes you happy.
  • Continue to maintain healthy relations with your partner.
  • Do exercise daily, practice yoga or meditation technique as they promote secretion of endorphins and serotonin (feel good hormones), which will boost your mood and keep you happy.

Closing Thoughts


I can totally relate to the agony of couples going through infertility struggle. It is the worst nightmare for every couple. I hope my suggestions work well for you and may you have a joyful parenthood ahead.


My clinic Risaa IVF, a leading infertility clinic in Delhi, offers ample fertility treatments to help you have a baby through assisted reproductive technology (ART) methods including in-vitro fertilization (IVF) , Intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI), intrauterine insemination (IUI), surrogacy and many more.


At Risaa IVF, we have a team of skilled IVF experts and clinical staff members, who aspire to make your parenthood journey smoother during your infertility treatment with us.

If you have any query related to this, Please let us know by submitting your queries in the section mentioned below or write us at [email protected]
